NEW PRODUCT - EGM187 Gateway
New Multi-Protocol Gateway: EthernetIP., Profinet, EtherCat, or ModbusTCP
Multiple Protocol Gateway
The EGM 187.1 is an Ethernet gateway with support for a number of industrial Ethernet based protocols as Profinet IO, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT and Modbus TCP. It is primarily intended for use with the LDM 64.1 weighing modules, but it can also be combined with the LDU 179.1 and/or digital load cells based on the LDB 151.1 and LDB 210.1 electronic modules.

Product highlights
Replaces the EGM87 from System80
High speed CAN Communications with LDM64 modules
Download files
EDS File for EGM187 Gateway
GSDML File for the EGM187 Gateway
Other relations
:: LDM64
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The first strain gauge was developed in the 1940’s